Saturday, December 08, 2012

Christmas Spectacular 2012: DAY 4 - Folgers Coffee

InsaneDavid Presents: Christmas Spectacular 2012: Advertisements

DAY 4 - Folgers Coffee

Okay, you all knew this one would show up here eventually so here it is nice and early as to get it out of the way.  Honestly though, this is a very well thought out commercial, with the exception of "Peter" telling his little sister to quiet down as he knows how to wake everyone up. Of course this commercial had a recent continuation that just comes across as.. um.. odd.  No matter, here's the original.  Although it begs the question just where Peter is returning from.  Is he home from the military? (Doubt that since he's not wearing or carrying the stuff used in commercials to suggest that) Is he a student home for the holidays? (Doubt that as well since they're complete shocked he's home) Did Peter just get out of prison? (Possibly, they do seem awfully surprised he's home) The questions are endless!  Side note, due to the Christmas theme this one won out being included in the list over the Rockapella Folgers adverts.

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