Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas Spectacular 2012: DAY 14 - Polaroid

InsaneDavid Presents: Christmas Spectacular 2012: Advertisements

DAY 14 - Polaroid

Another one of my all time favorite Christmas commercials. I worked retail sales, mainly electronics, for twelve years. Without a doubt one of the most difficult tasks could be identifying a product someone is looking for when the person looking doesn't really know what the product is. Most of the time these customers are genuinely polite and the item can be figured out. A great example of this was a pair of grandparents trying to pick up items on their grandson's Christmas list. One of them, Cash Bandicoot, was written as "Boot Crandidad" - still cracks me up after over ten years. On the other hand, sometimes these people could be the worst to deal with but that was a rarity. In this ad even Santa can't keep requests straight - a picture sure would help. "Horse 'em!"


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